Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Weigh in wednesday progress, but hey, I'll get there! I finally got back to the gym last night. I think Hubby and I finally figured out a plan! Maybe!
I started coming up with my own workouts because Hubby is way too busy with his own stuff to worry about my fitness. So I devised a way for me to easilly start running. Our track in the gym is 1/10th of a mile. So 10 laps = 1 mile. Yesterday I walked a lap, then ran the next until I reached a mile. Which inevitably got me to run for 1/2 mile and walk the remaining half. I hope to continue this until I can start running more than one lap and decreasing the amount that I walk. Same concept that Hubby was trying to get me to do, but easier for me to visualize.

Weigh in...staying strong at 210!!! no gains, no losses


Rebecca Johnson said...

WTG on getting back to the gym! That is a definite step in the right direction. Keep making those good choices and you'll see that weight come off!

Donetta said...

Maintaining is good too!

Melonie said...

That is fantastic!!! I'm so glad you were able to get back to the gym. (Envision me missing it sadly.)

Congratulations on maintaining. GREAT job!