Monday, January 7, 2008

New Weightloss Challenge

So I started the "Look Great in 2008" Challenge back in October or November. I did ok for a little while and then went back to work and all hell broke loose and I just stopped really "trying." That's not to say that I didn't pay attention to what I was eating. I just didn't purposesly NOT eat things in order to loose weight. I also stopped going to the gym. So all of that put a damper on things.'s 2008, just one week in, and today I am starting My own challenge. Why stop a challenge called "Look Great in 2008" just a week into 2008. So, I'm still going to call it that. Except. I'm gonna add "Look and Feel Great in 2008" There...that'll do!

So this morning I weighed in. I am, I have to admit, a little miffed at my start. I was about 3 lbs lighter two days ago! But Alas, yesterday was our wedding anniversary and we went out to dinner and I enjoyed a huge dish of loaded cheese fries. So off to my butt the yummy goodness went!

So here are the stats:

Starting weight: 210lbs (anyone who happens to look back at my previous blogs will note that I have still lost more weight from November till now!)

Goal Weight: 125 lbs

That is a difference of: 85 lbs

I am hoping to achieve this goal by December 31st 2008.

It's a long way off, but I think that given the time allotted, that is a very reasonable goal. Have a good week everyone!

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