Friday, January 11, 2008

UGH, only Jan 11th and I'm already in that horrible place...

Well, that didn't take long! 11 days into the new year and already my brain is freaking out and I'm going into panick attacks. I had one yesterday and here we go again today!

This probably is true, and for the moment I just really don't want to look into it. My bank is trying to hold my money captive! You see, way back in August of last year our bank screwed us by allowing us to go WAY under, not once, but twice. And while I greatly appreciated the fact that they paid out the money to the checks that were presented, I'm not so greatful that I wasn't alerted to how bad off we were. And more so, to the fact that they were still allowing us to pull money from atms, and use out debit cards (to me, this was totally irresponsible of the bank!) Ok, while it is totally true that the initial thing that sent us under was our doing. The rest of it was theirs. There was no cut off. They charged us fees for every tiny charge we made with our debit cards (we're talking $3 here people). Had the bank denied our card usage like it should have, we would have only gone under by the initial 200 or so. So Ask me why this happened twice that month? By the second pay check, we were so far under that the check didn't make a dent, and so any bills that were paid out to be taken out at the mid month pay, also went under! So really, I do still blame the bank. I know none of my other banks would ever let me go that far! They may fee the crap out of me, but they would NEVER allow the cards to still work! WTF!!!

So today I went to said bank to deposit 7 checks. Christmas and side job money to help us get through this weekend until we get paid on the 15th. Yeah...not happening! The bank insists on an 11 business day hold! Not one cent of that money would be released before the 11th day! Now, with most normal banks, the first 100 is released immediately, which would have been fine. But no, not here, NOT ONE CENT! Now for any of you who do not know, it does NOT take 11 days for a check to clear. It usually only takes 3-5. And actually thanks to the Check 21 act that started in October of 2005, it is only supposed to take 24 hours! But I don't think my bank participates in that, it's federal, but for some reason most of those that work there have never heard of check 21!!!! IDIOTS! The thing that got to me the most though is that the manager ADMITTED to me that they KNOW that all these checks will be cleared before then! if I allowed them to place said hold on these checks, we would not see that money for about two weeks from now. 2 Fridays from now, IF I'm lucky, they could have screwed me more and not have started the count until Monday! And what's worse than that, one of the checks was local, and another check was only $25! WHAT???

So I'm pissed. I'm pissed at our very bleak financial situation, I'm pissed that we can't find help, and I'm pissed that we are now getting punished for all of this. And worse...the military STILL didn't pay Hubby his back pay! HA...

I love my life!

1 comment:

Melonie said...

Ugh - I hope it will all get worked out somehow. The back pay would sure be a huge help, I'm sure - especially considering they are just racking it up more month by month by NOT paying it out yet. *sigh*

Well, if nothing else, as you're going through and organizing things, you'll probably find things that you could put on eBay or garage sale or something - if you garage sale it, you'll get cash and can bypass the bank! muahaha

Any word on chickypoo's house loan situation? I hope that gets cleared up soon too.

Many hugs!