Thursday, January 17, 2008

Anyone wanna come and organize my life?

I'll give you a dollar! hahah...that's about all I got for now!

Anyway, I guess the whole "He's Not Going to Be Here Thing" has truly sunk in and now I'm somewhat getting into action mode. I scheduled Gabby's birthday party yesterday. Gotta love places like build a bear! I don't have to worry about feeding anyone, just paying for them to make themselves a bear! hahaha. Not too cheap, but tons easier on me. And as far as the cost goes, my mom is going to help me out there. Good old Mommom to the rescue!

I've been trying to get our house organized today. I'll probably have better luck tomorrow considering Hubby has a four day which starts tomorrow, so Gabby will be at school, Hubby can help out with Baby girl and E. the little boy that I watch every so often (that is Driving me INSANE TODAY!) ugh...anyway, so hopefully we'll get more done tomorrow.

Hubby was talking about finally putting up the fencing this weekend. Not sure where he thinks we'll have time for that, but hey, more power to him! We need to clean house (all common areas anyway) cause we're going to have people over on Sunday for the football game. CRAP! I forgot to call off from work...UGH...I'll have to do that in a bit.

Work put me at ease yesterday. I didn't have to work, I went in to have a chat with my manager regarding hours. I need to only work days, no nights, no weekends. I thought she was gonna give me some issues with that. I mean it IS retail. But she understood. So I'll be working only days from now on.

Hopefully, I'll be able to find consistant child care! Oye. Which the person who I have now shouldn't have any issues once January is done. She's just been traveling alot!

I'm anxious for February to get here. Not to see Hubby go, but to see my parents come and have Gabby's birthday. After those two things, I'll probably be dreading the next couple months. I didn't know we'd also be spending Easter alone! mind can't keep things straight. I'm going to become a list maker! ha...It'll be the only way I keep my sanity.

M. Thanks! you know what for!

1 comment:

Melonie said...

Hey girlie, I know you're swamped getting ready for all Hades to break loose. ;-) Just popping by to say hi and tell you there's a contest for a book giveaway for military wives over at An Army Wife's Life. I posted about it on my blog too. Go enter!