Monday, October 8, 2007

Topic of the Day...Why do parents do what they do at Kid's parties?

Yesterday Gabby, baby girl and I had the pleasure to go to a kids party (please note the extreme sarcasm there!) The party was for a girl approximately 9 in age (I never did find out how old she was!). As we walked into this pretty nice set up at the community center, the noise hit us like a bolt of lightening! Wow...teeny boppers can be VERY LOUD!!!

I could have guessed walking into that atmosphere, that #1-I wouldn't really get to socialize with the host, who had never even met Baby girl until now, and #2-this sinking feeling in the back of my head was telling me this was not going to be a fun afternoon!

Gabby tried to go and interact with the birthday girl, someone she considers as a good friend. Yeah, this never happened...Birthday girl absolutely ignored Gabby's existence in the name of she's too young, and not as cool as us! Yeahhh...whatever!

Luckily for me, there was a friend near by who also attended and who also got completely ignored as I did! We were both outcasts from the start. Which made me wonder...Why were we even invited?

Birthday girl obviously did not want Gabby around, and Gabby did not have fun at all...She was caught in the middle between being too young to hang with the older kids, and being too old to hang with the toddlers who were also invited (who were there mainly because their older sibling was invited!) Every game made Gabby very unhappy. So much so that at one point during the party She disappeared!!!! COMPLETELY WENT OUT OF MY SITE!

Hostess took all kids outside to do a pinata...something didn't work right, or it started raining, so they all came back inside. But Gabby didn't! Gabby was being so ignored that she saw it fit to go entertain herself at a playground that was sort of attached to the community center. BUT...she never told anyone where she was, and it was too far away for us to be able to see her! Not to mention the fact that it was raining! So she got in trouble for disappearing, but I felt horrible for her. She was being shoved aside any time they did any games or anything. She was plain and simple not being included by the kids-hostess was doing her best.

Now as for the two adults in this story, me and my friend, well we had an excuse, we have two little ones, baby girl and T, and were not in the spirit of trying to lug these two precious little ones around to play "games" where the older kids were just plain being mean!

So we stayed put and talked amongst ourselves. I guess we alienated ourselves, but we were also being alienated by the other adults in the room. One woman kept giving us really nasty stairs...especially when her toddler tried to get in Baby girl's face, who at the time was sound asleep! I had to keep holding her back away from her, and not only was she just not being watched by her parents, but she was oozing some type of candied juice from her mouth that got all over baby girl's car seat...did I get an apology? NOPE....I got a death stair for touching her kid! WHAT?? makes you really think why some parents act the way that they do. Hostess is included in this mad parenting comment.

These older kids...including birthday girl were running wild...fine, it's a birthday party have fun, but have order too! She was allowing the girls to go into the boys bathroom, she was allowing them to poke each other with the cocktail umbrellas, they were putting gross things into each other's drinks to see if that person would drink it and not realize that there was something in it! eww... And then... the kicker...It was pouring rain out...we are at a community center that is used by...THE COMMUNITY! So there were two boys there who went to birthday girl's school. I have never seen such rude behavior allowed in children. These girls opened the doors and yelled at them to go home (pouring rain!) opened the doors, threw stuff at them, it was a constant ordeal that lasted for about an hour until the party was ending. Obnoxious little brats man! Oye...

The party was supposed to last until 4:30, we promptly left at the first sign that things were finishing up. The rain had finally died down, and the kids, they were continuing to be more and more obnoxious! I didn't want Gabby to be anymore terrorized than she had already been. And I just couldn't take the noise and the lack of parenting any more. I thanked the hostess, Gabby got a goody bag and we went on our way! THANK GOD! I have never been to a party where people have been so ignored. Oh yeah...Not to mention that I never got thanked for her gift which was not exactly cheap!!!!

In case any of you were wondering. I am kind of anti-kids party. I think people take them WAY too far sometimes. We attempted one for Gabby's 5th birthday this past year, and out of the 10 invites, only 2 kids showed...we had 2 other couples and their 4 month old baby's come too, but for Gabby, only two kids showed...the only one who stayed the whole time?...The birthday girl from yesterday. Wow...things change in 6 months, don't they!? I'd rather take Gabby out for a nice night on the town of her choosing (which most likely will be Chuck E Cheese) But at least she'll have all of our attention, which is the way it should be!

1 comment:

Melonie said...

Ugh - you know, as you were describing this, I was wondering if that was who the birthday girl was. She has a tendency to do the same thing to Chatty. Chatty thinks they are "friends" and when that child is with adults and sees her it's all "HIIIIII!!!!!". But throw in any older child and *poof* "Screw you". *double sigh* I'm sorry Gabby didn't have a good time. THAT SUCKS. And I'm also sorry we showed up so late for her party earlier in the year. BLEAH.

I agree though - I'm not a big party-for-kids person. I lucked out this year when Chatty just wanted dinner at RR. lol YESSSSSSSSSS. Heck, if she wants it this year, I'll do it - even if it means driving the hour to the closest RR. I need fries and ranch. hahaha